Tag Archives: social escort

Social Escorts Versus Prostitutes – Differences In Singapore

Many people think that social escorts and prostitutes are exactly the same thing. However, that is definitely not true in Singapore. In fact, some people also think that escorts and rent a friend are the same, but they are not the same at all.

Escorts are professional companions, while prostitutes are hookers

While some simply cannot wrap their head around this simple concept, that is the truth. The reason why some cannot wrap their head around this concept is because of service providers calling themselves as the other when they are not. Additionally, some escorts may provide sexual services out of their own consenting accord, and thus people get confused.

However, when we look at the actual definition of an escort, a social escort is basically a girl who pretends to be the client’s girlfriend during the period of time engaged. They are a professional companion. The great ones provide the true girlfriend experience, and make the clients truly believe that these escorts are really their girlfriend instead. You are paying them for that experience.

On the other hand, prostitutes are not paid to pretend to be your girlfriend. They are paid for sexual services rendered to you. They do the deed, and it is done. If prostitutes do not provide sexual services to you, you are not liable to pay them anything, because they did not provide you the services you booked them for. That is not the case for escorts. You are only paying for her time and professional companionship.

Escorts are largely legal in Singapore, prostitutes are legal too but many things surrounding it are not

Escorts are allowed to operate in Singapore. Virtually all of them are women. Only a tiny majority are men due to lack of demand. Escorts are free to advertise and sell their services online or offline, in public or in private.

Prostitutes are also allowed to operate in Singapore. However, many activities surrounding it like soliciting in public or over the Internet is illegal, among many other activities. It is a tightly policed space in Singapore.

Escorts are on out call basis, while prostitutes are on in call basis

This simply means that social escorts in Singapore will travel to meet you at a location, or at your location wherever you are at the moment. This means out call.

On the other hand, because prostitutes render sexual services, they are usually in call, which means you will need to travel to their locations. Now, whether these are considered legal or not in Singapore is another issue altogether.

What It’s Really Like To Be A Social Escort In Singapore – Secret Lives

Many people think that social escorts in Singapore lead very secretive lives, and that is partly true.

This is largely because Singapore is still considered a very conservative country. As a result most Singaporeans are not accepting the idea of people working as escorts. It is still a relatively taboo though perfectly legal job in Singapore.

However, Singaporeans also want ‘face’. That is one of the biggest reasons why social escorts are seemingly driven underground when it comes to juggling their personal and escort work lives.

Here is a recount of a verified Singaporean social escort living in Singapore.

A university student, Alicia is currently working part time during any free days and weekends as an escort to pay for her university loans. Unable to secure a scholarship, and having come from a lower-middle income family background, she had to rely on herself fast to get her loans paid off.

It was also in recent years that the idea of being an escort or sugar baby started to really take off. So Alicia decided to pursue this as a career on the side.

Alicia initially started off as a sugar baby, but realized that some clients were really needy.

However, as she had her personal lives and the sugar daddies simply could not understand why she wanted a separation between her personal life and her being their sugar babies, she decided to go and switch full time to being just a social escort instead.

Alicia said, “It’s simply less of a hassle, and fits my schedule as a student much better.”

“Additionally, I am actually paid more as a social escort per hour worked. None of the previous sugar baby work in Singapore or otherwise paid anywhere as much per hour worked.”

Alicia admits that sometimes she has to remind herself not to develop a crush on her clients.

Sometimes, she will meet a client whom she may start developing a crush on. In fact, the very first time it happened, she wondered why they had to meet this way.

Like everyone else, we asked her the seemingly obvious. Why not just quit and lead her future life with that guy like the movie ‘Pretty Woman’ then?

To which, Alicia replied, “Well, having my identity protected is the most important thing to me. If there is an ugly break up, there is a chance that the ex-client exposes my real identity to everyone. This can have bad social consequences for me in future. It is just way too much of a hassle.”

Working as an escort girl requires sacrificing a lot of personal time

Due to protecting her own privacy, she keeps her work completely secret from all of her friends and family.

She feels there is no need for others to know, as this is her personal choice and affected by no one else anyway. She is also single too, which makes it easier.

This meant leading a double life. Although sometimes she hates missing out on friends’ and relatives’ birthdays and gatherings, the money more than enough makes up for it. The money is definitely one of the major reasons why many Singaporean girls are becoming social escorts. If you are interested in some of the other reasons and want to know more, here are some lesser-known reasons some local girls become escorts.

One can say that Alicia is definitely long term minded.

Amazing for her finances

Everyone knows that being an escort can potentially bring lots of financial rewards. However, being an extremely successful escort in Singapore, where escorts are amongst the highest paid in the world, can result in truly amazing finances.

In short, according to Alicia, it is far more difficult than the casual job seeker thinks. Unless one is truly prepared for all the good and bad side of a social escort job, one shouldn’t do it at all.

I guess, being an escort is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea!